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robots.txt and how it affects SEO

robots.txt and how it affects SEO

The infamous robots.txt.  This file is often ignored by webmasters as it does nothing visually to the site.  How important is the robots.txt file and what does it do? The robots.txt file is used to give search engines specific instructions on how to crawl...

Is your WordPress site part of a botnet?

Is your WordPress site part of a botnet?

Defiant, the makers of Wordfence, a popular wordpress security software that we work with announced today that they discovered a botnet being run from hacked WordPress installations. This botnet is utilizing brute force attacks to gain access to other WordPress...

WordPress Hacked?

WordPress Hacked?

Has your WordPress been hacked? You are not alone.  Forbes reports that over 30,000 website are hacked each and every day.  A good majority of those are comprised of WordPress installations.  Unfortunately WordPress is a very highly targeted platform...